Monday, February 9, 2009

being hood winked

I don't know about anyone else, but I am so sick of the government take advantage of us at our weakest.  Their not trying to help us out of this recession, they are only taking care of their own while putting us into a deeper recession.  Wake up America!!!  We can not let this stimulus package pass.  Call your senates and tell them NO!!!  If the government was really looking out for us, they would be looking at ways to create new jobs to help business, but no they are more interested in new cars for the government, global warming studies, and many more unneeded things.  We are in a recession!!! If we are going to spend 800 Billions dollars in should be in tax relief or in benefits to encourage companies to hire to get money back into the economy.  Not put money into things that aren't going to bring in a return.  If you are as sick of all these lies as I am please go to and sign the petition and call your senators.  Until them keep trucking and remember what we believe as americans.